Frequently asked questions
Q: Who organizes Friends of McGolrick Park?
A: Friends of McGolrick Park is a volunteer-led neighborhood initiative fiscally sponsored by North Brooklyn Parks Alliance.
Q: Where can I learn about upcoming programming?
A: Our events calendar can be found here. Our cleanups are regularly scheduled on the first Sunday of each month. Check back often as we are continuously adding new programs and events!
Q: How can I share my ideas for an event?
A: Please send us an email! We love community-driven initiatives and are always looking for new programming.
Q: What wildlife is in McGolrick Park?
A: McGolrick is home to eastern gray squirrels, pigeons, European starlings, monarch butterflies, house sparrows, brown creeper birds, and occasionally an amazing red-tailed hawk. Please help us protect our park and the animals living there by ensuring your litter is removed upon leaving the park.
Q: Who do I contact with park-related concerns, questions, or information?
A: For all park-related problems, questions, complaints, or information about McGolrick Park or other New York City Parks, please call 311.
Q: Can I have a barbecue in McGolrick Park?
A: No. It is illegal to barbecue in the park. The closest barbecue area is located at McCarren Park.
Q: How can I support Friends of McGolrick Park?
A: Please join us at one of our clean-up events where we focus on litter removal and beautification. Friends of McGolrick Park is made possible thanks to volunteers, local business partners, and donations.
Interested in volunteering? Sign up here.